How to Become an Astronaut in BitLife

Are you interested in experiencing the vastness of space as an astronaut in BitLife? With the Astronaut Job Pack, this exciting career is just a few taps away. Embark on a journey that involves college education, space training, and venturing into uncharted territories. If you’re ready to take on the challenge, here’s what it takes to become an Astronaut in BitLife.

How to Become an Astronaut in BitLife

As previously stated, the Astronaut profession in BitLife is included in the Astronaut Job Pack, appropriately named. Regrettably, this requires a small purchase, but if you are okay with that or have already made it, then let us proceed.

  1. Finish high school with excellent grades.In order to secure your admission to college, it is imperative that you do not neglect your academic responsibilities. Dedicate yourself to studying diligently, avoid any unnecessary distractions, and successfully complete your high school education.
  2. Pursue a STEM degree.You have several choices available: Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, and Technology. The specific option you select is entirely up to you, although opting for Physics would undeniably complement the whole picture!
  3. Get your pilot’s license.It is advisable to strive for obtaining your pilot’s license at the earliest opportunity. While having a degree can make the process easier, it is still worth attempting even without one. However, it is important to be mindful that flight training carries potential risks, including the possibility of fatal accidents.
  4. Now it’s onto Space Academy.You can find the choice in the Occupation tab, specifically under the category of ‘Special Careers’. However, please note that it will require a financial investment. Alternatively, applying for a scholarship is also a viable option. Regardless of the chosen path, dedication and effort are necessary to enhance your skills and dedicate ample time to succeed.
  5. Invest time into your courses.In order to become an astronaut, you must complete three separate courses: Fitness, Flight, and Technical. It is essential to dedicate an equal amount of time to each course. Following your graduation, you will have the opportunity to apply as a recruit.

So, my friends, that’s the path you must follow to become an astronaut in BitLife. It’s definitely not a journey for the weak-hearted. If you prefer a more peaceful existence, perhaps consider becoming a factory worker. However, keep in mind that it may not be the most financially rewarding option. Alternatively, you can always aim to become a billionaire.