What Does GTS Mean on Snapchat & Text? Answered

Millennials are constantly introducing new trends, such as reviving fashion from the early 2000s, substituting snapping for clapping, and now, the use of new acronyms. While Snapchat may not be as popular as it was several years ago, it is still recognized as one of the major social media platforms, alongside Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. In a previous article, we discussed the meaning of “ML” on Snapchat, and now we turn our attention to the definition of “GTS.” Here is what “GTS” signifies on Snapchat and in text messages.

What Does GTS Mean on Snapchat & Text? Answered

If you were to do a quick search on Google, you would find that GTS has two meanings: “go to sleep” or “good times.” However, it’s important to mention that using “GTS” is not as common as saying “LOL” or “BRB” in real-life conversations, although it does happen more frequently than you might expect. Therefore, it is advisable to only use it in informal contexts such as SMS text or social media.

Although both interpretations can be applied in a similar context, the acronym “go to Sleep” is undoubtedly more frequently utilized. It is commonly employed to politely instruct someone to go to sleep for various reasons or to indicate that they themselves are going to sleep.

Here are some alternative ways to express the same ideas:<br><br>1. “I’ve reached my internet limit for today, so I’m calling it quits – GTS.”<br>2. When a tired friend rambles on, you can simply say, “Timmy, it’s time to GTS.”<br>3. Alternatively, “good times” is used to acknowledge a delightful conversation without overstaying your welcome. It can also evoke nostalgia when discussing past experiences. For example, “Remember that concert we attended?” “Absolutely, GTS, dude.”

Interestingly, it possesses the ability to serve both purposes, almost like a polite way of implying “this conversation has been pleasant, so let’s conclude it positively.” In addition, the other two interpretations involve either straightforwardly advising someone to “google that s**t” or referring to the experience of “going through s**t.”

In conclusion, that’s the explanation of “GTS” in text messages and on Snapchat. Hopefully, you can now include it in your collection of acronyms and use it appropriately. We have numerous articles covering recent social media updates, such as the potential ban of TikTok in the United States or the past incidents when Instagram was heavily enforcing bans, some of which seemed arbitrary and unnecessary. Until we meet again!